- For those who have less than 200 followers on Bloglovin, this is a great opportunity for small and new blogs to find new readers and connect with everyone in the blogging community!
- If I have nominated you, all you have to do to receive the award is to follow me on Google Friend Connect ( GFC ) and then answer a few questions! Make sure that when you nominate people you are following them and send them a message letting them know you have done so (suggest at most 11 nominations).
Sorry if i disturd you guy..
So, I have to answer my question from my friend.
1 . 3 words that describe you2 . 3 words that describe your best friends3 . 2 things-to-do before you die4 . between past and future , what will you choose ? why ?5 . your ideal type ?6 . among your siblings , who you really love ? why ?7 . 3 stupid things you have done8 . when was the best moment of your life ?9 . if you have a super power , what super power will you choose ? why ?10 . 1 thing that you always want to tell your mom .
1. Sensetif , Emotional and Friendly ???
2. Sporting , Like my sister, so kind
3. first , forgive all people, Second , ........
4. i choose past , why? i don't know.. hahaha
5. my ideal type?? May like CNU
6. I have only brother.. He only my sibling in the world and the best brother in the world
7. drink and eat chocolate in one shoot , untidy my room and sleeping will hear song..
8. I have many best moment..
9. Mind reader.. Because i want to reader my friend mind.. Like korean drama 'I hear Your Voice'
10. Love..
Here my question to you.
- What is your favourite thing?
- What is your own first gadget?
- What you do after you wake up?
- What is your favourite colour ? Why?
- 3 word describe about you
- What is your favourite song? Why ?
- What your favourite nickname?
- What is your favourite t-shirt?
- What is your favourite place?
- What you do if you want to release strees?
good luck guy..